On being with my ladies.

( Prose-poem written on spending time with childhood girlfriends )

Photograph at the beach by Mohini Kaur Gupta

Photograph by Mohini

Being with my ladies feels like making daisy chains in the park, gripping grass, ripping grass, laughing…

Like serenading myself in the first rain of the year because those are drops of nectar falling from the sky, don’t ask why they fall this way for you, just surrender yourself to the rhythm of the skies and dance.

Photograph of textures by Mohini Kaur Gupta

Photograph by Mohini

It feels like getting mud on and in the crevices of your toes, of never caring when you’ll wash it out because mud is earth, you are earth, and we’ll all return to earth anyway. 

I guess it also feels like existential crises echoing each other’s, pungent laughter wondering why it’s gone a bit sour, probably because there’s so much acidity in our bellies these days from growing up.



Love letter.


Through a train window.