Love letter.

( Written as a stream of consciousness letter )

Photograph of flowers by Mohini Kaur Gupta

Photograph by Mohini

sometimes love letters look like this. this love letter was written to my sweet love. the flowers were collected while wandering park lands with my best friend. they were safeguarded in a pocket and gifted to my aunt. the photo was taken on my coat while I lazed on a bench. a bay leaf was sent by the Divine, plucked by a Diva, and eaten by me. it fixed me. a squirrel hatched a plan but we knew where the nut was hidden. someone may have peed in the park. we may have strategically leaked information about the hidden nut. we didn’t feel sorry about it. we laughed. questionable morals. potentially dangerous. an uncle performed loud ho ho ho’s and ha ha ha’s with a silent aunty by his side. this brought on lots of ha ha ha’s in us, as we rolled in laughter, realising the uncle is us from the future.

we also saw the sweetest engravings on benches; so sweet they deserve their own sentence.



Muggy Mumbai.


On being with my ladies.