Photograph by Mohini Kaur Gupta

alone in nature

i dream of 
being together in nature
together-ness like leaves 
we’re all sat by our favourite trees
hearing their language 
feeling them speak 
for we’re still enough to listen
to the tales of wise trunks. 
some of us lay in the grass 
we’ve understood
how it has more room for our pain
than any human we’ve ever known. 
and we thank it 
by allowing our bodies to melt into its moist soil
surrendering to its slow pulse. 
some of us
have found fruits 
that we share with the monkeys and squirrels and other beings we’ve never seen or met before. 
beings from other places and spaces. 
we’re safe here, in our togetherness. 
we hear the music
of the breeze, the swaying of the trees
birds chirping as they please 
& we’re inspired 
to sing songs too.
songs that sound like mmms and aaas
groans of necessary release. 
we make peace 
with our homes. 
our bodies 
the earth. 
