Be still, rest.

Restfulness (noun) a feeling of serenity, being calm and relaxed.

In a world that rewards rushing, it feels terribly important to be rescued by moments of stillness. ‘Be Still, Rest’ is an ongoing project that I intend to continue for the rest of my life. At a personal level, it acts as a reminder to hone my sensitivity towards observing moments of meditativeness in the world around me, to allow myself to soak them in and to make room within me to profoundly experience the serenity that world naturally offers us all.

It inspires me that others may also find themselves deepening into relaxation when they look at these photographs. It is with that intention that I create.

they say these wisps are lifeless,

but how could they be ~

when they so fluently dance in the air ?

these branches extend my breath,

a breath giving moment rather than breath taking,

deepening my sense of aliveness

i’ve evaporated into stillness but i’m still very much existent just like water that has morphed meltingly into mist

so close to your waters

yet too far to ever taste your wetness,

fated to only sense your moist mist,

knowing that ~

your salt permeates the air that i breathe

it sifts through the soil

that roots me

crystals of your salt are all over my body,

snowflakes of your salt cover my limbs

always ;

i am never alone

reminding my soul to stay earthed, by being roams free

swimming in serenity, the seedling smiled

flooded fingers,

weightless feathers,

held by buoyant beauty.

deep in these waters were worries,

witnessed with wonder,

dissolved through the presence of curious souls.

sorrows no longer surfaced on skin.

the way of water is simple,

no other way of living,

than embracing flow.

embracing endless seas of delight


a reflection of you


outside of yourself

is needed remembrance

of all that you are

all that you have always been

all that you will forever be.

i may feel like a branch


i am also a blossoming tree.

womb-like water

cradles me

holding all of me

oh how sweet,

returning to innocence

floating, as infant.

behold ~ delight pouring in as blessings for us all

. FIN .
(This collection has been created to co-exist with words, as it does above)

View more of this collection as a slideshow:

Would you like to connect with me?

If you’d like to buy some images, exhibit together, or commission some work, I’d love to hear from you.

For commissions, please include your location, project details, timeline, and budget in your initial message.

For a friendly conversation or general inquiries, feel free to reach out too. Connection is always welcome.



