Studio | mohini

Multi-Disciplinary Art & Connection

“When we assert intuition, we are therefore like the starry night: we gaze at the world through a thousand eyes” -

Women That Run With The Wolves

I’ve always floated between lands, as an Indo-British baby that’s spent half her life in the UK and another half in India. I still exist between the two, with one foot in India and another in London, which is now my home. I believe this experience of cross-cultural witnessing has shaped the fluidity of my artistic practice, which includes writing, abstract painting, photography & directing

The inspiration lies within my life. There are always stories to tell that emerge out of engaging with what is in front of me, and allowing energy that wants to be expressed to express itself. When a story wants to be told, I make room for it to choose its form. This keeps me alive, in flow and fluid, allowing me the freedom to intertwine practices, liberate my creativity and to express intuitively through various forms. 

At King’s College London, I studied French & Philosophy and learnt the value of cultivating connections in everyday life. There is something truly magical about witnessing humans from different homes coming together, bridging the gaps between perceived differences, finding common ground & even enlivening one another. 

As an artist, I get to dive into this incredible strength of human emotions. The realm of vulnerability pulls me in. These delicate aspects of our existence allow me a glimpse at the consistent truths of life. I am lit up in the knowing that life is a collection of transient moments, impeccably tied together by transcendent threads. It is my hope that through my art, I am able to offer moments of reflection and renewal through a reconnection with these ethereal threads that hold us all. 

I believe that creativity transforms lives. Making art has a profound impact on individuals and communities. You are invited to join me on my big little journey, and for us to be together in this slice of life.

Creativity begins with connection.

Connect with me.

I would love to hear from you.

Maybe you’d like to buy a print, painting or commission some writing,

or maybe you’d like to co-create something in the world…

Either way (or for other reasons) I’m happy to be found at:

Or you can fill out the form below: